Useful Resources

Betty Lukens Felts

Kids Bible Source Free teacher materials for teaching Bible lessons to children ages 0-12.

My Bible First  Kids Bible lessons and materials.

Children’s Stories  A nice website full of uplifting children’s stories.

“Sing A Bible Verse” Songs, audio files, & sheet music by Wayne Hooper.

The Felt Source

Young Disciple Ministries provides great magazines, youth camps, Sabbath School programs, books, and other materials for juniors & teens.

Favorite Parenting Books

Child Guidance by Ellen White

Tell Yourself the Truth by William Backus and Marie Chapian

Instructing a Child’s Heart by Tedd & Margy Tripp

Pro-Active Parent Coaching – Capturing the Heart of Your Child by Gregory Bland

Strong-Willed Child or dreamer? by Dr. Dana Spears & Dr. Ron Braund

Managers of Their Homes by Steve & Terri Maxwell. Parenting tips and how to manage your day & schedule.